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Parent's Guideline

Utmost co-operation between the guardians and the school is very essential for securing the desired results in education of the children. This can be attained on the following guidelines and by observing a few rules and regulations.
1.A progress report of the child is issued separately and is sent to parents/guardians after every term to enable them to know the progress of their wards. They are requested to sign and return it within 3 days.
2.There shall be a test in every subjects such as Reading, Writing, Spelling & Dictation. On completion of each lesson. The students must appear in all these tests. Leave can be granted only if the application is supported by a medical certificate.
3.It is the duty of parents/guardian to see that his ward has done H.W. given to him/her and that he/she brings the books and note books to the school as per his/her timetable. They are further requested to note and sign the instruction issued by the teacher from time to time and ensure their compliance the child.
4.Guardians will see that their children come in proper school uniform.
5.Parents/Guardians are not allowed to meet teachers during their teaching periods.
6.Avoid absence of your ward from the class for it retards a student’s progress.
7.Any special tendency noted in the child should be brought to the notice of the school authorities at the earliest.
8.By taking proper interest in the progress of your children, parents are excepted to co-operate with the school by enforcing regularity in attendance work and discipline.
9.Parents have to ensure that all articles and personal belongings of the child bear his/her name, class, section. The school will not be responsible for unmarked articles, the school will be also not be responsible for unmarked articles, the school will be also not be responsible for the loss of pencil,eraser,sharpener,lunch-box or water bottles.
10.No half day leave will be permitted. Urgent cases will be considered with guardians signature in an application.
11.Though the school takes all normal precautions for the safety of the students, it does not take any responsibility for accidents.