Fee Rules : - Download Fee Details 2019-20 |
Download Fee Details 2020-21 |
1 |
Please pay exact fee. |
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While Paying the fee, please bring the Fee Card. |
3 |
Fee are to be paid on or before 25th of each month. |
4 |
After 25th of each month Rs. 100 /- fine. |
5 |
After 1 month Rs 200/- Fine. |
6 |
After 2 month Rs 500 / -Fine. |
7 |
After 3rd Month name of your ward will be struck off from attendance register. |
Bus Rules : - |
1. |
A clear one month notice in writing must be given before the bus facility provided by the school can be withdrawn. |
2. |
A student should board the bus designated for his/her stop. He/she should not go or get down at any other bus stop without the prior permission of the principal. Noncompliance of this may result in the withdrawal of the bus facility by the school. |
3. |
Buses will pick up children from the main road. |
4. |
Parents should arrange to bring the children to the bus stop and to take them back. |
5. |
All students availing the school bus are expected to be on the right side of their bus stop at least five minutes prior to the arrival time of the bus. |
6. |
The buses will not wait for the latecomers. |
7. |
The student should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives. |
8. |
No student should come near the entry door of the until it has made a complete stop. |
9. |
The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit. |
10. |
The bus drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus incharge .The list of stop is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is always subject to change. |
11. |
When the bus is in motion, students must not move around in the bus. |
12. |
Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus. |
13. |
Students will be held responsible for any damage of buses caused by negligence or vandalism. |
14. |
Courteous behavior is expected at all times. |
15. |
The teacher present in the bus and the bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. |
16. |
Any serious offence/complaint should not argue with the bus drivers or distract him as it may lead to accident. |
17. |
Children who are not in the prescribed school uniform may not be picked up by the bus staff, unless exempted by the principal. |
18. |
In case of bus strike or break down of the bus or any other strike, an alternative arrangement should be made by the parents, and not by the school authorities, to send their wards to school. |
19. |
The parents are not allowed to board the school buses. |
20. |
Withdrawal of bus facility buses.
The bus facility of a student of a student may be withdrawn on any of the following grounds
a. |
Scribbling graffiti in the bus |
b. |
Use of foul language, shrieking , shouting unruly behavior or any such action which may distract the driver’s attention and endanger the life of others. |
c. |
Stopping the bus by the students or parents leading to delays. |
d. |
Opening the gate of the bus while it is in motion |
e. |
Disobeying the teachers in the buses. |