Subhash------------------------ Red House
Nehru -------------------------- Yellow House
Gandhi ------------------------- Blue House
Tagore ------------------------- Green House
Activities of varied nature are organized an inter house bases, These activities are educative, competitive as well as recreational. National festivals, sports Day and Parents Night are celebrated with great fervor to further instill the felling of patriotism, Team Spirit and Sportsmanship. Discipline, Cleanliness, hygiene, moral & social values are always kept top most in mind. Each child is a precious national resource which needs to be cherished, nurtured and developed with tenderness and care, coupled with dynamism, we aim at promoting a multi faceted personality and preparing this child of today into ideal citizens of tomorrow.Apart from house activities, we also have the following clubs which is set up as per the central board of secondary education framework:
Art & Craft Club Environment Club
Health Club Technology Club
Magazine Club Social Service Club